Smoothies with Diverticulitis?
As concerned health enthusiasts we've made it our goal to help as many people as we possibly can with our combined knowledge of healthcare and nutrition not just for general day to day living but also, perhaps more importantly for some, as a means of effective management for a range of ailments and conditions.
As such, it only seemed fitting we addressed the increasingly common condition known as Diverticulitis in the best way we know how - by finding the best way to incorporate the right Smoothie and Juice ingredients into your Diverticulitis diet to ease, manage and as best as possible, remedy this uncomfortable and, at times, debilitating condition. Let us take you through it now - don't despair - you might just be surprised! What is Diverticulitis?
Diverticular disease and diverticulitis (/diverticulosis) are related digestive conditions that affect the large intestine (colon).
In Diverticular disease, small bulges or pockets (diverticula) form in the lining of the intestine. Diverticulitis is the condition whereby these pockets become inflamed or infected. "Diverticula" is the medical term used to describe the small bulges protruding from the side of the large intestine (colon). "Diverticulosis" is a condition that describes small pouches in the wall of the digestive tract that occur when the inner layer of the digestive tract bulges through weak spots in the outer layer. Symptoms of diverticular disease include:
The majority of people with diverticula will not have any symptoms; this is known as diverticulosis. Symptoms of diverticulitis tend to be more serious and include:
Diverticulitis Diet - Foods to Eat!
A high-fiber diet is the mainstay of diverticulosis and diverticulitis prevention.
Foods high in fiber include:
For a (dare we say?) pretty much complete list of Diverticulitis Fiber Foods check out our dedicated article here: Finding Fiber in our Foods! A Comprehensive List of Foods and their Typical Fiber Content Notice the focus on the combination of hydration and fiber intake? This immediately screams out that there is an effective and simple way to approach this condition. That list above is SO IMPORTANT for all of us here looking to create beneficial Smoothies and Juices to remedy your ailments and pains (which to be honest is the reason we put it together)! Diverticulitis Diet - Foods to Avoid!
In the past patients with diverticulosis/diverticulitis were told that foods to avoid included seeds, corn, and nuts because it was thought fragments of these foods would get stuck in the diverticula and cause inflammation. However, current research has not found this to be the case, and the fiber content of such foods may actually benefit individuals with diverticulosis/diverticulitis.
With smoothies and juices you actually avoid this problem entirely thanks to varying degrees of pulp separation, so even though the research is on our side, using Juicers and Blenders is just one great way to reduce any risk of this being a problem even further in an effort to source that nutritional goodness. So what are the foods to avoid with Diverticulitis? Well, let's be honest with the list above of what you should eat, working out what you shouldn't eat isn't that hard - but for completeness here you go! AVOID
Smoothies & Juices as Diverticulitis Therapy
So now we have a good idea of what it is we want to be including in our smoothies (if not have a quick look over our Fiber Foods article above as a refresher) you can see that the possibilities for smoothies really are endless! Of course you don't want a fiber overload so our best recommendations for Smoothies & Juices for Diverticulitis and Diverticulosis pain management, in no particular order, are:
There are many many more great smoothies and juices we whole-heartedly recommend too so don't feel limited - use the category headings on the right hand side of this page to click on an ingredient to see all our recipes containing that particular ingredient if you have a favorite (just make sure at least one ingredient is on THIS LIST)! A Word of Warning - Don't go Crazy!
With all the great information contained above it can be easy to get carried away. Perhaps one of the most important things we can tell you now that we have equipped you with this knowledge is to NOT GET CARRIED AWAY.
Remember this is your gut we're talking about here. While we wholly recommend a change to a healthier diet and lifestyle if you aren't consciously doing so already, remember that ANY drastic and abrupt change to your diet, particularly if you suffer from a gastro-intestinal condition, is not going to be welcomed by your expectant, regular body chemistry and processes. We therefore recommend careful planning to phase your way into incorporating the smoothie and juice recipes into your diet while you cut out the bad stuff to give your body the best possible chance to adapt to its new surroundings with the least amount of upset to yourself. With an improved diet and the inclusion of smoothies and juices packed with nutritional goodness we have every confidence that in no time at all you will feel like a totally new you! Good luck! Looking for recipe ideas for diverticulitis-friendly meals?
Check out our latest article for awesome diverticulitis friendly meals broken down by breakfast, lunch and dinner options for even the fussiest palettes! Click here for Delicious Recipes for Diverticulitis Sufferers!
Did you know about these awesome products for diverticulitis sufferers (USA)?Great products for diverticulitis sufferers (UK) |
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