The Ultimate Equipment Guide for your Home Gym is part of The Healthy Juice & Diet Life Best Gifts for Healthy People - Ultimate Gift Guide, finding you the best reviewed and most loved products in the 'Home Gym & Exercise Equipment' category. Enjoy!
Getting ready to set up and kit out your new home gym can be an incredibly exciting, challenging and hugely rewarding endeavour!
When faced with such a huge task it can feel overwhelming, often leading to the classic form of analysis paralysis where you end up stuck planning away for ages and ages without starting and never even get past the first few items such as Barbells and Dumbbells, never mind planning completion of your 'to-be' basement/backyard gym and future workouts! Perhaps you find yourself here tasked with finding exercise equipment gifts for your fitness freak friends where all you have to go off is 'something cool for my new gym'! Sound familiar!? Well, worry not! We've put together this awesome guide to get you going in the right direction with pointers to your best starting points when it comes figuring out exactly what equipment you need for your home gym, and the kinds of home gym exercise equipment that makes great gifts too! In no time at all you'll find plenty of products to suit your workout requirements, from the basic necessary equipment all home gyms need to function at their best, to all the wonderful home gym accessories and smaller items, now available with smart tech options and advances at accessible price ranges like never before! So let's jump right on into figuring out what equipment we need for the perfect complete home gym keeping an eye out for some great gift options and ideas for your healthy friend's home gym along the way! Best Home Gym Equipment.
Home gym equipment, where to start? The lists seem to go on forever! Thankfully it really is a simple breakdown when it comes to thinking right when it comes to kitting out your home gym:
When you look at it in this way, everything tends to fall into place as you systematically work through each category to your own specific restrictions, typically primarily being space and budget, thus allowing for the most effective priority distribution as you work down to smaller equipment items that you'll be able to slot around the rest and/or find storage or temporary 'when in use' locations. So top to bottom, let's see which exact home gym and exercise products we want for our gyms - looking out in particular for those which would make the best healthy home gym gifts for our loved ones! Large Home Gym Exercise Equipment - Multi-Gym's, Racks, & Workout BenchesLarger gym equipment pieces, naturally, are going to be the biggest individual spends of your budget. These integral part of the home gym set-up typically include machinery that allows for large range of motion, typically integrating compound movement type workouts, as well as multi-purpose gym set-ups which, as the name suggests, perform various functions enabling a wide range of differing exercise regimes. As the bulk of your workouts will make use of this kind of machinery, it is recommended to aim for at least two larger equipment stations to provide regime flexibility with plenty of alternatives available to prevent early plateaus! Typical large home gym exercise equipment includes: Multi-Gym Stations, Squat Racks, Workout Benches, Treadmills, Exercise Bikes, Rowers, Cross-Trainers & Ellipticals.
Dominating, imposing, and impressive. Multi-gym stations and multifunctional setups are standalone pieces of workout perfection, boasting hugely beneficial range when it comes to potential target workouts, thanks to their clever configurations in wholesome and sturdy designs. A good multi-gym station in your home gym does it's job by keeping you working out to your very best, every time, maintaining performance as you grow in strength and power! Here are a few of the best reviewed, and highly acclaimed multi-gym setups, perfect for your home gym. 1.) Bowflex Xceed |
~ The Healthy Juice & Diet Life ~
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Sadly, many dieters miss out on one or more of these rules, and it costs them their success.
So buckle up because here we go!
1. Thou Shall Eat More Protein
Don’t let your protein intake fall short. Aim to consume some in every meal and snack. For some unexpected sources of protein, consider quinoa, bulgur, avocado, and whole wheat bagels.
2. Thou Shall Eat Regularly
Feed your body frequently throughout the day to avoid food cravings and energy lows. Those who follow this guideline are more likely to stick to their diet or weight loss program.
3. Thou Shall Prioritize Fresh Foods
Eliminate processed food and give your diet a major boost. Focus on natural foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and oils, and lean proteins. This isn’t the Garden of Eden—reaching for the apple is the right choice.
You could call this commandment the Golden Rule of dieting. If you make only one change to your diet plan, make this one.
4. Thou Shall Set Short Term Goals
You should also ensure that you put your goals in writing and tell a friend or family member about your intentions. The accountability will redouble your commitment.
Try thinking in two-week segments. Two weeks is generally the period necessary to form good habits, so it’s the perfect amount of time to build behaviors that stand the test of time.
This is precisely why The 2 Week Diet was created. It will help you stay motivated and consistent until good decisions become automatic. We'll be releasing more about this amazing weight loss program in the articles to come but for more information on achieving your goals throughout life in general you might be interested in our article: Tear Down These 3 "Success Floodgates" To Flood Your Life With Success!
5. Thou Shall Avoid Fruitless Comparisons
Instead, start comparing yourself today to yourself from yesterday. That will give you everything you need to know. If you improve every day, or hold fast to your diet program, then you are already a success.
Keep these diet commandments in mind. Focus on them and be confident you are on the track to building a truly righteous body!
Further Reading
So now begins the decision process! Now let's not kid ourselves a decision like buying a juicer is definitely going to require a little consideration, but where to start? Whether you are a complete newbie to the world of juicing or a hardened vegetation veteran this quick run down of things to consider when buying a juicer will certainly help get you looking at and thinking about the right things for your (next) juicing machine.
We want to make sure you are as happy as possible whichever way you decide to go so you don't end up with the all too familiar situation of a shiny new piece of kit being banished to the back of the cupboard to gather dust!
Primary Use
Essentially this boils down to one question - what are you intending on using your machine for?
If the answer to this is for day to day on-the-go type juice-making of typically juicy fruits and vegetables then you'll most likely be looking for a Centrifugal Juicer. However, if you have in mind the idea of hard veggies, leafy greens such as kale, and wheatgrass, along with further use such as nut butter grinding and pasta extruding then you'll be needing a Masticating Juicer (also known as a Slow Juicer or Cold Press Juicer).
Ease of Operation
While a flashy big piece of kit with all of its many compartments and various accessories might seem like a step in the right direction to taking your juicing seriously, it might just do more harm than good. Are you realistically going to have the stamina to keep putting together the equivalent of a small car just to make that quick drink? Ok, perhaps we're taking it a little far with that example, granted, but the ease of assembly even before the ingredient preparation is certainly something that shouldn't be considered lightly.
Not only the assembly of your machine but the actual functionality itself is also crucial. If you have big plans for exquisite juices with subtle nuances of flavors then a simple 'on-off' button isn't going to cut it. Strike a nice balance between what you know you need and what you think you might want to try out once you are more familiar with your machine.
Easy to Clean
Make sure the juicer you go for is easy to dismantle and has parts that make for easy washing. Most of the top juicing brands recognize this isn't the most glorious aspect of the job and do try to make our lives easier with the way they make their machines but only you know what you'll be happy putting up with having to clean at the end of the day!
Juice Yield
One of the most overlooked aspects of buying a new juicer is the amount of juice you can actually extract from your raw material. In general across the best brands when it comes to juicy fruits and vegetables there really isn't that much in it but vary that slightly into the realms of soft fruits and vegetables, leafy greens and wheatgrass the difference in yield can result in significant increases in terms of both cost of ingredients and machine maintenance.
Centrifugal juicers are fine for firmer-fleshed fruits and vegetables but typically start to meet their match at soft fruits and vegetables due to the consistency created. They will also not be able to work with leafy greens, spelt and wheatgrass type ingredients - as such a masticating juicer would be required here.
In general masticating juicers are known to extract more juice from raw materials, leaving a drier remaining pulp once all material has been processed but this typically comes with a trade-off in terms of speed and ease of use.
Imagine waking up in the morning knowing you will have to face that obnoxious piercing sound to bring you to your senses just to get a cool refreshing drink? Yeah, it's not pleasant. You just want to go about your business but the whole family has just been woken up along with the neighbors and don't get started on the cat down the street...
The noise level might be the least controllable feature but it shouldn't be overlooked. Generally speaking this is correlated with the price you'll spend. Cheaper range and low-budget juicers will make the most noise with noise decreasing as the price rises, reflecting the increased quality, precision and efficiency of the higher-end juicers. Slow, masticating juicers tend to have lower operating noise, too.
Size & Weight
In terms of weight, remember these things are machines! They can easily weigh a few kilos and some. Not a big deal if they sit on the side all the time, but if you know you'll need to keep reaching down and picking it out of a cupboard everyday, perhaps you might go for something a little less weighty.
Strike a nice compromise between the space you have at your disposal, how portable you need it to be and the amount and types of ingredients you want to be able to put into your juicer at the same time.
Once you have a decent idea about all the other considerations you'll probably find the juicers you shortlist are more or less in the same price range. There will of course be some variation and this is where you have a little wiggle room but exercise fair judgement, you don't want to potentially lose half the functionality to save 10% against the next choice up.
As a simple rule of thumb, never spend more than you are comfortable with. If it feels wrong, don't go with it - kick back and do more research! Figure out what you really do / don't need and go from there
Generally the cheaper brands offer shorter warranty periods, if at all, or offer replacements for specific parts so this is something to consider in terms of price, too.
There is nothing wrong with a cheaper, budget juicer by any means but be prepared to consider an upgrade if your juicing becomes a more serious endeavor. As an entry level juicer, budget and less known brands to tend to suffice for the vast majority of people's needs and serve as a stepping stone into the world of juicing.
Closing Thoughts
Thanks for reading - if you would like to see the best juicers and best juicer brands on the market be sure to check out our Juicer Buying Guide for a rundown of the best juicers on the market and the best juicers by brand.
The best juicer brands and their best juicers in our Juicer Buying Guide.
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